Gratitude and Kindness are sine qua non for any people who chant prayers or who don’t believe in God. Whether you are an atheist or a theist, you should have Gratitude and Kindness. It is very painful to say that though we are polytheistic or monotheistic - we donot urge to develop these qualities. Only these two qualities going to be useful for the humanity. It is much more powerful than praying lips. Swami Vivekananda teaches service of the poor is akin to worshipping God. To reach Narayana you must serve the Daridra Narayanas- the starving millions of poorest. If you don’t see God in man, if you don;’t believe in yourself,then too you are an atheist. Gratitude is a positive feeling. According to UCLA neuroscientist Alex Korb, we cannot focus on positive and negative feelings at the same time. When we develop gratitude, our brain gets a positive feelings and brain release dopamine, which makes us want to feel that way again and again, and we begin to make gratitude a ha...
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