

  Gratitude and Kindness are sine qua non for any people who chant prayers or who don’t believe in God. Whether you are an atheist or a theist, you should have Gratitude and Kindness. It is very painful to say that though we are polytheistic or monotheistic - we donot urge to develop these qualities. Only these two qualities going to be useful for the humanity. It is much more powerful than praying lips. Swami Vivekananda teaches service of the poor is akin to worshipping God. To reach Narayana you must serve the Daridra Narayanas- the starving millions of poorest. If you don’t see God in man, if you don;’t believe in yourself,then too you are an atheist. Gratitude is a positive feeling. According to UCLA neuroscientist Alex Korb, we cannot focus on positive and negative feelings at the same time. When we develop gratitude, our brain gets a positive feelings and brain release dopamine, which makes us want to feel that way again and again, and we begin to make gratitude a habit.


If you dont follow dharma,it is like a fish with out water, you can give the fish all the riches in the world, but it will die unless it is returned to the water. What ever qualities you have,if you have no dharma, it will destroy you. If you are reading this article thinking your boss need to understand dharma-then she will give me the promotion, you have missed the point. We never live in a idyllic world. We are not in a place where others recognize our dharma .But you demonstrate and defend your dharma, then manusmriti says it will become feedback loop-dharma will start protecting you . When you safeguard your dharma, you constantly strive to be in a place where you strive. When you thrive ,people notice, and you reap rewards that help you stay in your dharma.Manusmriti confirm, dharma is so powerful, that it will even protect your joy and sense of purpose and helps you grow. When you are undergoing RAHU dasa, you should never do any thing against your dharma. Rahu deva is


  You are that winning sperm -born to lead   Looking up to others is a positive trait. In marketing we look at competition. Good. But competitiors will not pay you. You customer will pay you. Looking at others becomes a weakness when it leads you in to submission. Look up with out submitting yourself. You can become better than your competitor. You can become better than your boss. You were not born to follow. Remember you are that ONE winning sperm which provided its own way that it is one up on the remaining millions of its kind. Only one sperm has energy, powerful enough to reach the egg.Other sperms die on their journey to reach the egg. You are that ONE winning sperm   So very birth of human being necessitates and presupposes the process of winning. You are born to lead.   Live up to your inheritance.


  QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISO , SA 8000 etc very popular quality certifications. Now almost every organisation takes this certificate. It is available outside. I am not saying it is bad. We are discussing about Quality of the Self. That means the quality of You and Me. If you speak to some CEOs/Owners of companies, they speak in a tone so arrogant and ignorant that it would have made Adolf Hitler turn in his grave. This is because the CEO/Owner is missing the element “Quality” Quality as per ancient wisdom comes under Dharma (under section Verna) which I will discuss in next article. Quality is not your Narcissism Quality is your excellence in areas that others might not even notice A flower is a flower with or with out fragrance yet the presence of fragrance makes all difference. Quality is that invisible detail the presence of which makes all the difference. The Quality of what we give depends on Quality of what we have. The Quality of what we have depends on Qua


  With out happiness there is no life. With out dissatisfaction there is no growth. When you are dissatisfied with others, it makes you unhappy. When you are dissatisfied with yourself ,it helps you to grow. When you bench mark others with your expectations it leaves you dissatisfied with them and this affects your happiness. When you bench mark yourself with your expectations , the dissatisfaction created propels your growth and development. When you demand a 10 out of 10 from yourself as excellence it shows you where you stand and where you need to go. When you demand a 10 out of 10 from the world it affects the quality of relationship to the world. So in all matters ,rate the world as 5 and rate yourself as 10 No that world is any less capable or that you are superman, but because-with out happiness there is no life. So rate the world 5. With out dissatisfaction there is no growth. So rate yourself 10. Thus you will be happily dissatisfied.


Brahmacharya is not only abstinence from sex.  Deep attachment towards food.Your thoughts, your speech, your greed, emotion... all sensual pleasures to be kept in check. Senusal pleasure - sex enegry for instance- is so powerful , it contains life in it, so it should not be dissipated thoughtlessly. Would a woman flush a bucket of gold and diamonds dam her toilet? Would a man take his currency notes and burn them in a fire place? No man or woman of average intelligence would knowingly throw their wealthaway. But if they are unaware of the assets that they have,they might still continue to dispose them unknowingly. In Medical Perspective Brahmacharya is to keep BSR ( Body sexual rate) 0 (No sexual thought) BSR has two cycle. Emotinal cycle and Physical cycle. CYCLE A -Emotional Cycle BSR 0= No sexual thought BSR 1= Birth of sexual thought BSR 2 = First sexual sensation in the body BSR 3= First sexual sensation in the genital BSR 4= A glush of blood in the genitals. BSR 5= A state of com


SELF CONFIDENCE (SHRADDHA) -as per ancient wisdom and positive psychology 1)      Achieving my desire is my responsibility 2)      Quality of my work is my responsibility 3)      Quality of my communication is my responsibility 4)      Quality of my time is my responsibility 5)      Quality of my value is my responsibility 6)      Quality of my behaviour is my responsibility 7)      Quality of my happiness is my responsibly     Mantras and Slokas, Meditation -all information is not just to put in to your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. We must have self-building, man making, character making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated seven ideas and made them your life and character, you have more educated than any man who has got by heart a whole library of mantra. It is only by doing good to others that one attains to one’s own good and it is by leading others to Bhakti and Mukthi that one attain them oneself 1) Achieving my desire i