Showing posts from April, 2022
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Because of very samilar names between Vedas and Vedic astrolgy, people always do have a confusion. Students who learn Vedas opine much not good about astrology, forgetting both comes from same Limbs of Vedas.Vedanga Jyothish is the perfect name for Vedic Astrology because it shows where it comes from. Astrology is a good predictive technique and also becomes a Brahmastra weapon which can be used to enlighten people /motivate , but it depends on whether the astrologer is capable enough to do that.. other than giving only predictions( Predictions is a tough job especially timing of event). But who wants just a prediction maker. Both rich and poorest die. Saint and the bad person die. Both Knowlegable and the ignorant person die.. Doctor and the patient die. Astrologer and client die.We want Motivators who will make us enlightened, happier despite remaining in the world of illussions full of sorrow, happiness etc. An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the...
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NEECHA BHANGA RAJAYOGA Neecha Bhanga means Debilitation cancelled. Raja yoga means Auspiciousness Debilitation comes from the Latin word debelis meaning weak. Neecha means weak or debilitation Bhanga means cancellation. When a planet is debilitated in one's chart, it is sine qua non to ascertain whether the debilitation is cancelled. Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga- Debilitation of a planet gets cancelled and provides Rajayoga-Two minuses makes a plus. When a planet is debilitated it gives all kinds of troubles to the native, but it will teach him how to debilitate future attack of difficulties if the said planet's debilitation is cancelled. This will propel the jatak/person from a disadvantage position to very good rise. He will rise through his/her own efforts. In an analogy to Active immunity , if a person gets certain diseases, then his /her body becomes immune to such diseases in the balance period of his/her life. In the same way Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga gives some troubles in th...
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Swami Vivivekanand-Great Saint-Maker of Modern India-Orator Par Excellence It is a common knowledge that Swami Vivekananda opening speech at the parliament of World religions, Chicago has been a landmark oral performance in human history. But what makes the revered Swami such an effective speaker? The audience was captivated by Swami's talks to such an extent that at parlimanet of World Religions, Swami was always asked to speak at the end. If at any part of time ,many people started leaving the event, a simple announcement that Swamiji will be speaking later on was enough to make them sit back down. People waited for hours patiently with out a single word of complaint just to listen to him speak for 15 minutes. This was the extent to which Swamiji captured his audience. Jamshedji Tata was reportedly influnced by Swami Vivekananda to establish the Indian Institute of Science-one of India's well know Research university-during their conversation as fellow travellers on a sh...
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BRING SERVICE TO YOUR DHARMA If you do your work with your 101% of the heart's involvement then it becomes a Devotion. Devotion is not a quality that should be reserved only for places of worship and altars of God. Any work can become a prayer if performed with the secredness of devotion. The natural by products of devotion are concentration ,happiness and love ( so kama ( pleasure)is obtained as by products- you need not seek it directly, opportunities for kama ( pleasure) will come to you) We dont stop here. Just as you bring your dharma to work, bring service to your dharma. Stop asking " How are you " " Hi Guys" These are water cooler chats. It is neither going to help you nor the recipient. You might ask. Have you served today? How can I use my talents to serve others and make a difference. ? What do I know or have that is of any use? You don't have to change occupation. You don't have to change your schedule. If you look around, you will see ...
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Many of us dont take the time to consider what actually motivates people. We use carrot-and-stick approach. Good. But research shows that if you maginfy encouragement, it makes people more universally successful and more productive.Yet managers are still notoriously bad at delivering praise. Praise is given when one achieves "good result". Encouragement can be given anytime even when things go poorly. One of the basic psychological tenets of human behavior is that we persist in behaviors for which we are praised: those behaviors that are not positively recognized are likely to fall by the wayside. We seldom if ever appreciate or encourage others.When you look at another person,rather than seeing her faults, you need to be able to see her strengths and possibilities, what she is capable of. Insincere engagement with out the strength of your genuine faith in the other person only belittles her efforts. The essence of encouragement is showing your belief in the talents,skill...
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Special effects of Planet Mercury in Lagna for Wisdom Mercury is the planet of Passion and dharma. With out passion you are useless. Just as in Romance, For seeking God or Wisdom too, you need passion. For dharma you need passion. The equation of dharma is : Dharma= Passion + Skills + Usefulness. I am giving below the planetary alignments of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Mahatma Gandhi to give you insight how Mercury influenced them. In Swami Vivekananda Horoscope = Mecury+Venus+ Sun is in Lagna In Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Horoscope= Mercury+Moon+Sun is in Lagna In Mahatma Gandhi Horoscope = Mercury+Venus+Mars is in Lagna Mercury is planet of passion. 9th House is house of dharma. When Mecury has any connection with 9th house or 9th lord, such a Mercury will give spiritual upliftment to the native. The native get soaked in to wisdom, spirituality, etc. This is because when two measures with samilar significations ...
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Gratitude and Kindness are sine qua non for any people who chant prayers or who don’t believe in God. Whether you are an atheist or a theist, you should have Gratitude and Kindness. It is very painful to say that though we are polytheistic or monotheistic - we donot urge to develop these qualities. Only these two qualities going to be useful for the humanity. It is much more powerful than praying lips. Swami Vivekananda teaches service of the poor is akin to worshipping God. To reach Narayana you must serve the Daridra Narayanas- the starving millions of poorest. If you don’t see God in man, if you don;’t believe in yourself,then too you are an atheist. Gratitude is a positive feeling. According to UCLA neuroscientist Alex Korb, we cannot focus on positive and negative feelings at the same time. When we develop gratitude, our brain gets a positive feelings and brain release dopamine, which makes us want to feel that way again and again, and we begin to make gratitude a ha...
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If you dont follow dharma,it is like a fish with out water, you can give the fish all the riches in the world, but it will die unless it is returned to the water. What ever qualities you have,if you have no dharma, it will destroy you. If you are reading this article thinking your boss need to understand dharma-then she will give me the promotion, you have missed the point. We never live in a idyllic world. We are not in a place where others recognize our dharma .But you demonstrate and defend your dharma, then manusmriti says it will become feedback loop-dharma will start protecting you . When you safeguard your dharma, you constantly strive to be in a place where you strive. When you thrive ,people notice, and you reap rewards that help you stay in your dharma.Manusmriti confirm, dharma is so powerful, that it will even protect your joy and sense of purpose and helps you grow. When you are undergoing RAHU dasa, you should never do any thing against your dharma. Rahu deva is...
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You are that winning sperm -born to lead Looking up to others is a positive trait. In marketing we look at competition. Good. But competitiors will not pay you. You customer will pay you. Looking at others becomes a weakness when it leads you in to submission. Look up with out submitting yourself. You can become better than your competitor. You can become better than your boss. You were not born to follow. Remember you are that ONE winning sperm which provided its own way that it is one up on the remaining millions of its kind. Only one sperm has energy, powerful enough to reach the egg.Other sperms die on their journey to reach the egg. You are that ONE winning sperm So very birth of human being necessitates and presupposes the process of winning. You are born to lead. Live up to your inheritance.
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QUALITY MANAGEMENT ISO , SA 8000 etc very popular quality certifications. Now almost every organisation takes this certificate. It is available outside. I am not saying it is bad. We are discussing about Quality of the Self. That means the quality of You and Me. If you speak to some CEOs/Owners of companies, they speak in a tone so arrogant and ignorant that it would have made Adolf Hitler turn in his grave. This is because the CEO/Owner is missing the element “Quality” Quality as per ancient wisdom comes under Dharma (under section Verna) which I will discuss in next article. Quality is not your Narcissism Quality is your excellence in areas that others might not even notice A flower is a flower with or with out fragrance yet the presence of fragrance makes all difference. Quality is that invisible detail the presence of which makes all the difference. The Quality of what we give depends on Quality of what we have. The Quality of what we have depends on...